So, I'm starting a new gimick. Well it's not really new, I've done other installments, but now they have a title. Leaf-Alikes! First there was Kaberle V Ray Romano, then Mats Sundin V Billy Corgin and my personal fav, Tuuka Raask V Batboy!
Now I give you Poni V Drago!
He Must Break You!
Wade Belak
Scut Farkus
I just found the Ray Romano vs. Kaberle one and couldn't stop laughing at it.
@chemmy: I always thought Belak looked more like Conan O'Brian, here's the video where I saw it (first one:
(Sorry for the self-whoring, but I can't really find it anywhere else.
Apparently Shane Hnidy missed the memo on Ponikoravsky.
P.S. Belak = Brock Lesnar
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