Friday, August 6, 2010

You make Grabbo sad

Your un-reasonable and unfounded Grabbo hate makes me sad, Leaf fans. Why must you hate our mullet-ed pine apple slayer?
Sure, he is a bit of a dink, and he gets knocked on his ass more than his fair share, but he is just so cute!
Give him a chance, let his flowing locks into your heart. Embrace Grabbo-weeble, he loves you!
Unless you are a pined apple. In that case he will get you.

Oh will he get you.

I'm on a horse.


Loser Domi said...

mmm, pined apple.

Anonymous said...

You had me at "Golden Locks"

kidkawartha said...

So ladies, should your man smell like Grabbo? You tell me.........

Anonymous said...

I love have no idea the abuse I endure on a daily basis because of my love for him...I will continue to dodge the tomatoes and cheer for my Belarussian badass :)

Navin Vaswani (@eyebleaf) said...

Not Grabbo related (because I think he's awesome, and fuck all the haters), but I heard you went to a baseball game ...?

Jaredoflondon said...

Correct, I went to the Arencibia show last week