In an attempt to play catch up with events that I missed like
Carlo throwing an open ice it I'm gonna get with the program, lets see if I can avoid cracking my bean open on the boards.
Sexism. Something I am rather familiar with through many hyper-feminist post secondary educators, including one doozey who tried to get me kicked out of class because I refused to comply with her attempt to recruit the whole class into feminists I took the high road and said that the word feminism offends me because it implies that females are better than males ( I know this is not true, I was just saying it because she was being a self indulgent fascist) and that I was an equalist because I believed in equality above all things.
Rant rant rant.
Because of this sexist crap about females of the blog-o-sphere not being able to hack it, or not knowing hockey from lawn darts and the making of sammiches and fetching of beers I have given my head a hard shake. I know ignorance like this exists, but to see it there in roman times 12 on my beloved inter-wubs always manages to make me question the value of a large percentage of humanity.
So instead of ranting like, I'm gonna throw down some props to some of the baddest bra bearing bloggettes around.
Scarlette IceSherry, while having terrible tastes in hockey teams, has become a staple of fem-blogging. With a perfect blend of humour, wit and hockey insight she rivals some of the top blogs on the cyberweb with her writting. Sharpening her talents on the blog-o-sphere has helped her land a job covering hockey across the pond and I wouldn't be surprised if that one day lead her back to
Canada covering her own team, or maybe even yours!
dum dum dum!
SportsqueeMargee knows more about sports than I could ever hope to. Football, baseball and most importantly hockey she covers and nails em all.
Margee has an uncanny ability to make me laugh. She is probably the funniest person in the blog-o-sphere. She writes for the female sports fan, but the thing is, you don't have to be a female (Hi!) or a sports fan to get your moneys worth out of the site.
you'se attractive.
The Wonderful World Of Loser DomiLoser Domi has made a name for herself writing endlessly entertaining
Leaf-slasher-fan-fic. She joins me on the bright side of the
Barilkosphere in trying to bring comedy, and comedy alone to the
Blue and White masses. She fights the good fight and knows how to dual Lol-pics like a veteran.
Wrap Around CurlWrap Around "Heather" Curl is another excellent blog lyricist. Her corner of the net is rapidly becoming one of my favourite bus stops and it was actually her post a few days ago that prompted me to give props to the ladies of blogdom. She excels at coherent thoughtful and funny ranting. Her hockey hotties series, while totally not ment for such as me is very interesting to watch. I expect big things from this blog in the coming times.
I Mean We Got GuysWrap Around Curl's partner in crime in the hockey hotties dream team. Another excellent blogger who focuses mainly on
WHL hockey but also supports the
Hurricanes and
Maple Leafs and is a big fan of
Thomas Kaberle. I can't argue with a
Kabby fan. Also her recent post about being a hockey fan. Period. over at
PPP Made all of us stop and think.
*high five*Hockey Ladies Of Greatness A vast and wonderful collection of the best fem-bloggers around. It includes some of the above and a ton more that deserve post time but due to limited space I cannot add em all.
Ch-ch-ch-check it out.
Apologies to those I did not include, its a large interwebs, rock on ladies, rock on!
Also, if you know where I got the title for this post, you are as big a nerd as I am.