Friday, July 4, 2008

Curse Of The Open Letter

I just realized something, every person I have written an open letter to has been removed, traded or bought out by the Leafs. Think about it. JFJ, Raycroft, Wellwood, Tucker, Woznewski.

And that got me to thinking....

An Open letter To Bryan McCabe:

Hey Bryan.

Whats up? How are the kids? Enjoying the weather on this lovely summers day? Just writting to catch up. You know where to write back.

Peace out hommie!



Navin Vaswani (@eyebleaf) said...

may the curse continue...

Down Goes Brown said...

Sir, you are doing god's work.

general borschevsky said...

Jared, could you do me a huge favour? Could you write an open letter to Peddie and Tannanbaum before there isn't one shred of dignity left in being a Leaf fan? What an incredible responsibility, I can only imagine, but we're all counting on you!

Jaredoflondon said...

Don't worry General, those two are on the short list.

Down Goes Brown said...

Don't worry General, those two are on the short list.

You spelled "bus" wrong.