You know who you are, you wagon jumping negative vibe spreading hate mongers. Please as to leave Leafs nation and never return. We don't want you here, we don't want to hear your idiotic reasoning and self fluffing and "how much better life will be" when you are no longer a member of Leafs nation. I don't care if you leave, you wont be missed, but please do everyone a favor and do it quietly. Go into hiding and don't mention hockey at all this season, then next year, you can re-emerge from your douche cocoon as an asshole butterfly fan of the team of your choice.
Get stuffed.

Hugs and kisses: JaredofLondon
Fun activity: point out to Canucks fans how Gustavsson has better stats than Luongo (so far)
Nobody likes quitters! Burn'em, burn'em all!
Why even call yourself a Leafs "fan" if you quit when the going gets tough? Way to tell 'em, Jared. :)
This post is the most truculent aspect of the Leafs season so far. Well done, lad!
Being a silver lining kind of guy, this start to the season has us shedding band-wagoners like maggots spilling from an open wound.
Ya, maggots.
FUCK YES!!! Jared you are my hero.
I thought the whole point of being a Leafs fan was to be perpetually miserable and embarrassed. It's as if that proves your loyalty or something.
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